SEO Audit

SEO Audit: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services in Bangladesh

•Keyword Analysis
•Meta Tag and Title tag Optimization
•Optimizing the web Pages
•Competitor Analysis
•Keywords Density Analysis
•Website Speed Analysis
•Sitemap.xml Creation
•Robots.txt Creation
•Google Analytics & webmaster tools (GSC)
•Blog Comment
•Search Engine Submission
•Blog Creation and Posting
•Social Media, Forum Posting & Participating.
•Generating Analytics Report
•Making the site search engine readable by working with meta tags & robots.txt files
•Monitoring changes to the website in the SERPs of major search engines
•Monitoring the traffic of the web site in Google Analytics, (referral, keywords)
•Analyzing the target market and promote web site to make the visibility
•Creating keyword analysis report, on page changes
•Overseeing any link-building activity and protecting it from possible penalization.