Importance of XML Sitemap for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Importance of XML Sitemap for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

XML sitemap in a straightforward definition, an keeps the list of all URLs of any website. It performs as a roadmap to inform search engines that are referring about what kind of content gets accessible and way to arrive on it. You would like to increase the rank of your webpage. So, take the initiative with an XML sitemap that having the importance of XML Sitemap for SEO.

This procedure assists Google, and other foremost search engines without difficulty to recognize your webpage formation at the time of crawling it. Sitemaps are identified as URL addition protocols as they direct search engines on where to move. It appears indifferent to robots.txt files which are also an exclusion protocol because it informs search engines were not to crawl.

Consider your website similar to a home page and each of the pages of the site like a room. You can consider  XML Sitemap as same a blueprint for a house so that each web page takes place as an XML sitemap. The well-known home checker of the web locate all the rooms within your website.


An XML sitemap will make Google discover smooth for your pages while it crawls your website as to rank all your pages. It tells search engines regarding pages on their sites which are ready to crawl.

XML sitemap improves your page rank in search engines. However, it can find more critical for  SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when:

  • Your side is with the complex formation, or it has many internal links.
  • You are the owner of a new webpage, or you keep a tiny number of external links.
  • Your site is steady and keeps archived content.
  • Your website saves dynamic pages.

Benefits of XML sitemap in  SEO:

If you have a sitemap on your web site, you may pass more data to search engines.  As a result, it also:

  • Make a list of all URLs from your website. It includes pages that might not be visible by search engines.
  • Gives search engines page main concern and thus crawl as the primary concern. You can put a tag on your XML sitemap marking which pages are the most significant.
  • Offer information with temporary. You may also contain two extra optional tags which pass additional data to search engines to assist them in crawling your website.

Set up a process for XML sitemap:

To set your XML sitemap is pretty easy because a lot of website content management systems propose the capability to generate your XML sitemap mechanically. If you use such a solution, get sure that the production is in the correct format and is also free from any error. For Google, the necessary  Sitemap Protocol is 0.9. Your sitemap is to be:

  • Starting by opening tag and ending with a closing tag.
  • Start the space for name inside the tag.
  • Take in an entry for every URL, like a parent XML tag.
  • Take in a kid entry for every parent tag.
  • Moreover, they employ UTF-8 encoding.

After that, you have to confirm your XML sitemap through Tool of Google Webmaster to make sure it is in the correct set-up and adequately uploaded to your web server.

For small websites which content not getting uploaded often and then you may employ the XML Sitemap Generator. It will permit you to classify how frequently your pages get updated and what kind of modified information is using. The generator would make a shape to your sitemap. You need to require making it upload to the source of your domain such as

Other hands, this tool has got limitation in many ways. You might only put in five hundred pages, it describes the similar “change frequency” for every URLs and is not appropriate for any website. It circulates content each week as you desire your home page work for keeping other frequency than other pages.

When you remain under WordPress and by using the plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast will maintain it to make your sitemap as it is straightforward.

 If you need any help regarding XML sitemap for SEO, please contact us.

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