8 Tips of Contextual Link Building for Effective SEO

8 Tips of Contextual Link Building for Effective SEO

A contextual link building is a link used in content to help visitors to get more relevant information about the topic. A contextual link is using in the content of any website.  If you use this link appropriately, you will get a better SEO result for your website. It is a fact that browsers are interested in clicking on contextual links.

Contextual Link Building for Effective SEO

Three types of contextual links:

External links- It is known as an outbound link to everyone. These links are using inside of the content on any site that is pointing to another website.

Internal links- It is also known as an inbound link. It refers to a link that place in the content on a website. It points to another content of the same site.

Reciprocal links- This happens when another site asks you to link back to your website within its content, frequently as a way to return a contextual link favor. Structural links are producing for making a particular web page. Navigation bars, site maps, footers, and headers are including in the Structural links.

Essential ways for contextual link building strategy:

By adding links, browsers can go page by page through your website. You have some overlooked pages on your website, but you like to increase traffic for those pages. Then it is wise to add links from pages that have high traffic. At the time of introducing a fresh idea, you must create links. For the critical pages of your site, you may build links with several pages so that too many visitors visit those pages.

 1. Keep a shallow website structure:  |

It is considering good practice if each page can be available by 2-3 clicks from the homepage. At present, users expect to complete their goals fast. Thus, it is vital to decrease the number of clicks it obtains to acquire significant landing pages.

2. Make all the essential pages linked:

Search engines depend on sitemaps and links to crawl web pages. So the pages are observing by the search engines because these pages are within the list of the sitemap. But it’s not possible to find orphan pages through the navigation of the website.  So link orphan pages come from other pages of the website. A good website with Contextual link Building refers to all relevant pages of the site are linked, and just made only three clicks to arrive at the whole website level.

3. Links on pages should be logical:

Not more but less link can send visitors to the exact page. On the other hand, more links can make browsers bore.  Make the web site content well-structured to crawl. It might be that too many links could send a spam signal for search engines.

 4. Insert keywords in the anchor text:

If you like to improve your keyword ranking use keywords in the anchor text. Internal links work the same as backlinks. So you can take the chance to use that in a free and straightforward method. You can have more Internal links those all act like backlinks. So using relevant terms in their anchors is a free and simple way to boost contemporary relevance.

During the post-Penguin period, most SEO wouldn’t support the use of correct match keywords in internal links’ anchor text. You would frequently listen that SEOs utter, “use natural anchors, or you’ll get penalized.” There is no website to get the penalty for the anchors of its internal links. Experts suggest that the anchor text should be descriptive of the linked content.

5. Don’t put duplicate links:

When there are several links remain on the same page that shows to the same URL, search engines could provide the priority to the first anchor text. So, use the correct keywords into the original link anchor text and remove duplicate link.

6. Put links inside the main content:

The links located inside the content of the page that is important for advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) than in the header, footer, or sidebar. The latter get additional to act with taking navigation, and it appears as Google consider as non-editorial links. Link in the main content, on the contrary, add new information and worth to the text. Besides, the text and keywords close a link as well as subject for the ranking of the target page.

7. Convert traffic pages to conversion pages:

Discover landing pages with high traffic and a reasonably less conversion rate. To attain this aim, release the Google Analytics and navigate towards for Landing Pages. Sort the URLs by taking the number of sessions. Hit the Comparison icon and prefer the applicable metric from the drop-down menu. You can more clean the URLs to gather specific criteria. Choose the URLs which have high traffic but keep a low conversion rate.

8. Keywords with internal links:

As an alternative to targeting a small number of high-search-volume keywords, you might like better to follow for many long-tails, low-search-volume keywords. In the majority of cases, those go to the bottom level of a website. For this matter, the majority contextual internal links could point to the bottom-level pages, and these pages should be making interlinked appropriately.

Final word:

Imply that you don’t mind regarding the number of internal links, their anchors, or any SEO tricks. You only go after general sense and make links to the content that might be cooperative to your users.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to take our contextual link building services.

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