6 Tips to Improve Canonical Tags SEO That You Must Know

6 Tips to Improve Canonical Tags SEO That You Must Know

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It would be nice to provide a complete report on how Google ranks a website. Unfortunately, most experienced SEO professionals do not have a perfect answer to this. Google and other search engines are providing information around the world within a second. The search engine is experimenting on how people can improve their search rankings. They also are experimenting with technological changes by applying to their websites. One of the evolution comes out of this revelation is the canonical tag. There is miss-conception about the development of the canonical tag.

What is a canonical tag?

The canonical tag is a way of telling search engines to specify a URL copy of a master page. Canonical tags prevent problems of duplicating content on multiple URLs. The canonical tag is telling search engines which URL needs to appear in search results.

What does a canonical tag do?

A canonical tag specifies the original source URL of a given page to a search engine, such as Google. Canonical tags are using to declare a single page as its own source to specify for the duplicate pages. Search engines are using canonical tags to find duplicate content. They set the search engine ranking value on the page designated as the “source” URL.

Why are canonical tags important?

The search engine does not support any duplicate content for crawling. Do you have any identical content pages that Google is evaluating negatively on ranking? If you use https, then you can use a content management system like WordPress or Drupal. The combinations of different URLs are using to get more people to access your website. However, it exposes you to a significant SEO weakness. By deploying the appropriate tags on the pages on your site, you can avoid this problem. You can take full advantage of both your site and search engine practices.

How do you apply canonical tags?

If you want the Google to recognize the tag as canonical tags, then you should add a link in the header of the HTML code. For example, the code for www.webtech.com.bd with a canonical tag would look like this:

 <link rel=”canonical” href=”https://www.webtech.com.bd”/>

Repeat this code for each page of your site that you want to recognize as canonical tags. The use of a content management system like WordPress can streamline this effort.

Select web pages to place canonical tags?

Social media, internal site search, and other internal references can create a unique URL. If you don’t use the canonical tag, then it would be tough to rank your website.

Additionally, many content management systems allow multiple URL paths to access the same content. All these paths are crawl-able by Google and identify them as separate pages of duplicate content. So select your pages to add canonical tags for SEO.

If you are not sure about where the duplicate contents are affecting your SEO, then contact with us. We are providing a full SEO audit to identify issues that are affecting your site. We also identify how your website is crawling and where is the position. Once you know what the problems then you can address them to solve the issue.

Canonical tags benefits of SEO:

When search engines crawl duplicate content with many URLs, then your site will have a negative impact on SERP ranking.

Many website owners are encountering this problem with different URLs that have similar content. This scenario creates three significant challenges for search engines:

  • First, the search engine does not know which version of the URL is indexing in its database.
  • Second, search engines do not know whether to rank a page. Moreover, how to score on a page or separate it between multiple versions?
  • Third, search engines don’t know which version of the URL to rank in the results page.

When this type of situation arises, then, webmasters start implementing new canonical tags. It helps to control the duplicate content on your website.

SEO implementation of canonical tags:

You will find problems with self-plagiarized content that can be so complex. However, you would be happy that I’m mentioning a few tips here to consider when you are applying the canonical tag to your website:

1. Self-referential canonical tags:

It is okay to point to the original content URL in the canonical tag. For example, if you have three versions of the URL as X, Y, and Z. Suppose X is the standard version. Adding X URL Links to Canonical Tags that point to X in Web Pages. It would be okay that X is self-referring canonical tags. Moreover, it is the best SEO practice that improves the relevance of web pages.

2. Home page canonicalization:

Duplicates of home page URLs are very common. People will link to your homepage in a variety of ways that you cannot prevent. A regular tag in your homepage layout to avoid unnecessary issues.

3. Analyzing dynamic canonical tags:

Sometimes a site may create a unique canonical tag for each version of the URLs. Each version of the URL will have its canonical link due to the lousy coding structure. Detailed examination of URLs is critical. It is practicing, especially on CMS-driven and e-commerce websites.

4. Avoid mixed signals:

The search engine will not consider canonical tags when you are sending irrelevant messages.

For example, you can canonicalize page A to page B and then page B to page A.  You can canonicalize page A to B, B to C, C to D.  But it is not a good SEO practice. Always send clear signals to search engines. It will crawl easily to understand the structure of your website.

5. Canonicalizing MIPS Prevent:

When people are exposing to similar content on web pages, they think of canonicalization. You need to proceed with caution when you are applying canonical tags to websites. In general, it is better to use canonical tags for identical pages for individual pages. It is helpful for a product page such as currency, location, or quantity attributes. It is essential to be aware that non-marginal versions of the web page cannot process in the search results. The search engine ignores the canonical tag if the pages are not very different.

6. Domain canonicalization:

Canonical tags you can apply across multiple domains. Let’s assume that you are ready to publish the same article across various sites with a canonical tag. If you use this, it will only improve the ranking power of your website. We know that we are ensuring that the domain matches for any business niche need to be different. If it matches, then remembers that this will prevent non-casual sites from ranking in the search results.

Final word:

So, now we know that canonical tag is a way of telling search engines to identify a copy of a master page. You may have a single page with multiple URLs or separate pages with similar content. Google will see these pages as duplicate versions of the same page. Google will choose a URL as the canonical version and crawl it. All other URLs will treat as duplicate URLs and will get less priority to crawl a web page.

If you cannot explicitly tell Google which URL you prefer, Google may consider both of them as equal weight. So you have to specify the URL by canonical tags to Google for index.

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