

What is deep linking? Deep linking sends users to a specific link to explore content but it does not send to any website home page. Deep linking helps users to get the exact information about what they are looking for. The deep linking shortcut is the way to reach the exact ... Read More
September 3, 2019ashik


What is a do follow link? All links are do-follow links without any modification to no-follow links. Do-follow links are changing automatically by default website settings sometimes. Search engine crawler is following do-follow links to accumulate links for indexing immediately. According to SEO expert ‘do-follow links’ are calling "Link Juice". Google ... Read More
September 3, 2019ashik


Cloaking is a search engine optimization technique known to SEO service companies as Black Hat SEO. In cloaking, the content is misleading users to get the information they expect. Cloaking aim is to get better results in search engines. But in the long run, this will to get a penalty ... Read More
September 2, 2019ashik


Do you know how your website ranks? Where it takes a position on a search engine results page? Do you want to improve your site ranking? Get our affordable SEO Services for Small Business! It would be nice to provide a complete report on how Google ranks a website. Unfortunately, most ... Read More
August 27, 2019ashik


What is Black Hat SEO? Black Hat SEO is a technique that people are practicing against search engine guidelines. It is using to gain a higher ranking of sites in search results. These unethical techniques do not solve any problem for searchers. Applying this technique often get a penalty from search ... Read More
August 26, 2019ashik


What are backlinks: Backlinks are external links that you need to improve your website rank on the search engine. They show the transition from one page to another page. They can help to index the pages on your site in a proper way. Build backlinks for your website at a reasonable ... Read More
August 25, 2019ashik


What is anchor text? Anchor text is visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. Nowadays we see it is often green and underlined, such as this link on the WebTech homepage. SEO practice is indicating that anchor text is more relevant to a page that you are linking. Anchor text keywords are ... Read More
August 24, 2019ashik


What is an alt tag for SEO? An Alt tag is also known "Alt attribute" and "alt description." It is an HTML attribute that is applying into images to provide a textual caption for search engines. Using Alt tags for images is having a positive impact on the search engine. So, ... Read More
August 22, 2019ashik


It is recommending every web developer to set up 301 redirects in WordPress. It is necessary when you are changing the URL (permalinks) of your posts and pages. It is also essential while moving your website from one domain to another domain. If you change the URL  or the domain of ... Read More
August 21, 2019ashik


What is guest posting? Guest posting is a way to build presence and promote your website to your target audience.  Submit a guest post is an important part of off-page SEO. It allows you to get backlinks from relevant sources. This process will not only prove your authority but also drive ... Read More
August 20, 2019ashik